First Aid for Forest School

[ May 19, 2012; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. May 20, 2012; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. ] Date: Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th May 2012

Time: 9.00am – 6.00pm each day

Location: Catton Park, Norwich

Cost: £150

A 16 Hour ITC Outdoor First Aid Qualification designed to meet the needs of Forest School Leaders and other adults assisting with a Forest School.

The course is delivered in a hands-on, and entertaining manner and uses relevant outdoor first [...]
May 19, 2012
9:00 amto6:00 pm
May 20, 2012
9:00 amto6:00 pm

Date: Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th May 2012

Time: 9.00am – 6.00pm each day

Location: Catton Park, Norwich

Cost: £150

A 16 Hour ITC Outdoor First Aid Qualification designed to meet the needs of Forest School Leaders and other adults assisting with a Forest School.

The course is delivered in a hands-on, and entertaining manner and uses relevant outdoor first aid scenarios. It covers first aid with adults and children over 1 year old (i.e. it does not cover infants).

This course meets the requirements of all Forest School training providers for the Level 3 Forest School Practitioners award.

This course would also be relevant to other outdoor learning providers who work with groups of adults and children in a natural outdoor setting e.g. Environmental Educators, Bushcraft Instructors, Field Studies teachers.

Please download the booking form for the First Aid course here.

Please contact us for further information.