Firecraft and Camp Cooking – CPD for Forest School Leaders

[ October 20, 2011; 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. ] Date: Thursday 20th October 2011

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Location: Holt Hall Field Studies Centre

Cost: £80

Fire is magical, and often entrances learners at Forest School. The topic of 'fire' is vast and presents a huge range of holistic learning opportunities. This day is designed to support Forest School Leaders (Level 3) extend their skills and knowledge of [...]
October 20, 2011
9:00 amto5:00 pm

Date: Thursday 20th October 2011

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Location: Holt Hall Field Studies Centre

Cost: £80

Fire is magical, and often entrances learners at Forest School. The topic of ‘fire’ is vast and presents a huge range of holistic learning opportunities. This day is designed to support Forest School Leaders (Level 3) extend their skills and knowledge of fire and cooking in the outdoors and how to apply this within their Forest School practice, whilst still following the child led philosophy.

The day will build on the foundations of fire lighting covered in Forest School training and extend this to cover the following topics;

  • Different methods of fire lighting (making flame).
  • Managing and maintaining fire – considering different fire lays for different purposes.
  • Fire lighting trouble shooting – getting a flame in all situations!
  • Considering fuel type and efficiency – including tinder types and firewood properties.
  • Child led learner progression along the fire and cooking theme.
  • Camp cooking using pots and pot hangers.
  • Camp cooking using ovens and dutch ovens.
  • Introduction to food hygiene outdoors
  • Logistics of managing fire and cooking at Forest School – H&S, ratios, spacing, time, kit etc.
  • Recipe ideas for Forest School camp cooking

The day is fully hands on and takes place outdoors in a woodland environment.

Although this is tailored to the needs of Forest School Leaders (Level 3), this course may also be relevant to other outdoor learning providers who work with groups of adults and children in a natural outdoor setting and already have a solid understanding of using fire for learning with groups of children. e.g. Environmental Educators, Bushcraft Instructors, Field Studies Teachers. Please contact us if you wish to book but are not a Level 3 Forest School Leader to discuss whether this course would meet your needs.

Please download the booking form for the Firecraft and Camp Cooking training here.

Please ensure you read our terms and conditions before booking – found here.
Please contact us for further information.